As we know that NSA has a lot going
on, protest from people and hundreds of accusations of spying, hacking,
eavesdropping, and sneaking into people’s lives and threatened them with security.
So to end these issues president Obama has proposed an end with a solution to
put the mass surveillance to an end. Yes President has called an end to NSA’s
bulk data collection of phone records of American people. A post has been
revealed from White house in which he figured the plan, which will give phone
companies to hold the records of their customers, if congress passes it. If any
data will be required by NSA or any other intelligence they would have to take
a court order from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court to get the required
data from any telecommunication company.
Cnet posted the details“Obama's proposal would end the Patriot
Act's Section 215 bulk telephony metadata program. Details of that program and
other NSA surveillance activities came to light after former NSA contractor
Edward Snowden leaked a series of confidential documents. The resulting outcry
among American citizens, privacy advocates, and many politicians in both
parties forced Obama to direct the intelligence community and the Attorney
General to come up with other options. The companies would be compelled by court
order to provide technical assistance to ensure that the records can be queried
and that results are transmitted to the government in a usable format and in a
timely manner.
Now all left up to the Congress, because
the law will only come into picture when Congress will passes it in parliament.
This proposition proposed back in January now NSA wants to continue the program
with reauthorization for 90 days. Recently NSA asked so many Internet companies
to remove that data and they have shown entire requests to public. Here is President's Full Speech about the NSA's Program End
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