Tuesday, 27 May 2014

GreenCitizen Had Recycled 2.5 M pound And Aiming For More

As tech development the consumers purchasing the phones, tablets, laptops and other electronic goods, GreenCitizen is the e-waste recycling company based in Burlingame had submit a report in which it recycled the 2.5 million pound of e-waste which previously thrown to landfills. On the earth day they had celebrated company’s none successful year and showed the report and now they have a goal to achieve. They set the target of 3.1 million pound with the opening new recycling centers in several countries metropolitan area. It now aims to build more sustainable metropolitan model that will be generating Environment friendly air and will be helpful for business to reuse and recycle their own products. Founder of the company has a idea to develop the e-waste facility to handle the e-goods all around the world and after recycling they will put them for sale. He watched a documentary on illegally discarded the electronic items into lands and decided to find a solution.

smdailyjournal  says “The company does free pickups of e-waste items if a business has at least 10 of the following items: desktops, laptops, Smartphone’s, monitors, servers and TVs. Otherwise, companies are charged $100 per pickup or other heavy item fees. Customers can drop off batteries, CDs, cell phones, cables, cords, desktops, computer accessories, fax machines, light bulbs, printers, Styrofoam, stereo equipment and other items to the company’ eco-centers and eco-stations.”
Company head quartered in Burlingame and have about 20,000 square foot facility, putting the tracking numbers into the e-goods to ensure about where they dismantle and crushed, metals are reused and the waste will be destroyed. The good items, which they think can be reuses by users, simply they took photos and posted on E-bay and Amazon for sale and customers can also sell their items to company

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